Redefining Influencer to Role Model | A Conversation with Jaclynn Brennen, Co-Founder FYLi

Welcome to another episode of No Need to Ask podcast. My name is Amani Duncan and I will be your host on this journey.

On today’s episode I had the pleasure of speaking with my good friend Jaclynn Brennen, Co-Founder of FYLi.

FYLi is a female master-mind group that focuses on bringing together female leaders, creating a tribe of diverse high level dreamers, thinkers and doers.

FYLi helps female leaders RISE (Renew, Inspire, Support, Empower) in all aspects of their lives. Fylí was created to bring together a room of diverse thinkers and dreamers who can shift conversations, contribute new opinions + feedback, and bring different perspectives with clarity and directness that moves the needle. Magic happens when you feel open, connected, present, vulnerable and safe. Jaclynn and her co-founder Summer Yi learned early on that success is only limited by our mindset, habits and the people we have access to within our network. They believe when you UPGRADE your thoughts, daily disciplines/habits and relationships, you begin to upgrade your life.

Jaclyn shared with me her favorite book, “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer and her daily self-care routine of mediations, exercise and journaling which is so important. I have committed to myself to give back by exercising every morning before I start my day and doing meditation before I go bed. I use the self-guided meditation app Headspace and Jaclyn recommended Inscape and Japa Meditation with Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I highly encourage you to visit FYLi’s new website and subscribe today. You can also follow Jaclyn on Instagram and her self-titled blog. If you are enjoying No Need to Ask podcast, please leave a review. Thank you!

Until we meet again, please continue to be safe and be well.


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